P package





An annotation to record a Scala2 pickled alias.

An annotation to record a Scala2 pickled alias.



An annotation to tag Java annotation default values

An annotation to tag Java annotation default values

final class 


The class associated with a BodyAnnotation, which indicates an inline method's right hand side

The class associated with a BodyAnnotation, which indicates an inline method's right hand side




An annotation to indicate a child class or object of the annotated class. E.g. if we have

sealed class A case class B() extends A case class C() extends A


An annotation to indicate a child class or object of the annotated class. E.g. if we have

sealed class A case class B() extends A case class C() extends A

Then the class symbol A would carry the annotations @Child[Cref], @Child[Bref] where Bref, Cref are TypeRefs referring to the class symbols of B and C.

Child annotations always appear in reverse order of textual occurrence. I.e. in the example above, it is guaranteed that the child annotation for C appears before the one for B.

TODO: This should be Child[T <: AnyKind]



An annotation that's aitomatically added for methods that have one or more nested context closures as their right hand side. The parameter n is an Int L...

An annotation that's aitomatically added for methods that have one or more nested context closures as their right hand side. The parameter n is an Int Literal that tells how many nested closures there are.

final class 


An annotation produced by Namer to indicate an inline parameter

An annotation produced by Namer to indicate an inline parameter

final class 


An annotation produced by desugaring to indicate that a sequence is a repeated parameter. I.e.

T* is expanded by Desugar to Seq[T] @Repeated

An annotation produced by desugaring to indicate that a sequence is a repeated parameter. I.e.

T* is expanded by Desugar to Seq[T] @Repeated



An annotation to record a Scala2 pickled alias.

An annotation to record a Scala2 pickled alias.



[Lo, Hi]

An annotation to indicate a pair of type bounds that comes with a type. Used to indicate optional bounds of an opaque type

An annotation to indicate a pair of type bounds that comes with a type. Used to indicate optional bounds of an opaque type



An annotation indicating to -Ycheck:reentrant that a class or val can be safely shared.

An annotation indicating to -Ycheck:reentrant that a class or val can be safely shared.



An annotation indicating to -Ycheck:reentrant that an object will not be accessed from multiple threads.

An annotation indicating to -Ycheck:reentrant that an object will not be accessed from multiple threads.