
Dotty implements many language changes compared to Scala 2. These changes are currently discussed for inclusion in Scala 3, the new Scala language standard which will be based on the Dotty codebase.


The language redesign was guided by three main goals:

Corresponding to these goals, the language changes fall into seven categories: (1) Core constructs to strengthen foundations, (2) simplifications and (3) restrictions, to make the language easier and safer to use, (4) dropped constructs to make the language smaller and more regular, (5) changed constructs to remove warts, and increase consistency and usability, (6) new constructs to fill gaps and increase expressiveness, (7) a new, principled approach to meta-programming that replaces today's experimental macros.

Essential Foundations

These new constructs directly model core features of DOT, higher-kinded types, and the SI calculus for implicit resolution.


These constructs replace existing constructs with the aim of making the language safer and simpler to use, and to promote uniformity in code style.

With the exception of early initializers and old-style vararg patterns, all superseded constructs continue to be available in Scala 3.0. The plan is to deprecate and phase them out later.

Value classes (superseded by opaque type aliases) are a special case. There are currently no deprecation plans for value classes, since we might want to bring them back in a more general form if they are supported natively by the JVM as is planned by project Valhalla.


These constructs are restricted to make the language safer.

Unrestricted implicit conversions continue to be available in Scala 3.0, but will be deprecated and removed later. Unrestricted versions of the other constructs in the list above are available only under -language:Scala2Compat.

Dropped Constructs

These constructs are proposed to be dropped without a new construct replacing them. The motivation for dropping these constructs is to simplify the language and its implementation.

The date when these constructs are dropped varies. The current status is:


These constructs have undergone changes to make them more regular and useful.

Most aspects of old-style implicit resolution are still available under -language:Scala2Compat. The other changes in this list are applied unconditionally.

New Constructs

These are additions to the language that make it more powerful or pleasant to use.

Meta Programming

The following constructs together aim to put meta programming in Scala on a new basis. So far, meta programming was achieved by a combination of macros and libraries such as Shapeless that were in turn based on some key macros. Current Scala 2 macro mechanisms are a thin veneer on top the current Scala 2 compiler, which makes them fragile and in many cases impossible to port to Scala 3.

It's worth noting that macros were never included in the Scala 2 language specification and were so far made available only under an -experimental flag. This has not prevented their widespread usage.

To enable porting most uses of macros, we are experimenting with the advanced language constructs listed below. These designs are more provisional than the rest of the proposed language constructs for Scala 3.0. There might still be some changes until the final release. Stabilizing the feature set needed for meta programming is our first priority.

See Also

A classification of proposed language features is an expanded version of this page that adds the status (i.e. relative importance to be a part of Scala 3, and relative urgency when to decide this) and expected migration cost of each language construct.