Translation of Enums and ADTs

The compiler expands enums and their cases to code that only uses Scala's other language features. As such, enums in Scala are convenient syntactic sugar, but they are not essential to understand Scala's core.

We now explain the expansion of enums in detail. First, some terminology and notational conventions:

Simple cases and value cases are collectively called singleton cases.

The desugaring rules imply that class cases are mapped to case classes, and singleton cases are mapped to val definitions.

There are nine desugaring rules. Rule (1) desugar enum definitions. Rules (2) and (3) desugar simple cases. Rules (4) to (6) define extends clauses for cases that are missing them. Rules (7) to (9) define how such cases with extends clauses map into case classes or vals.

  1. An enum definition
    enum E ... { <defs> <cases> }

    expands to a sealed abstract class that extends the scala.Enum trait and an associated companion object that contains the defined cases, expanded according to rules (2 - 8). The enum trait starts with a compiler-generated import that imports the names <caseIds> of all cases so that they can be used without prefix in the trait.

    sealed abstract class E ... extends <parents> with scala.Enum {
      import E.{ <caseIds> }
    object E { <cases> }
  2. A simple case consisting of a comma-separated list of enum names
case C_1, ..., C_n

expands to

case C_1; ...; case C_n

Any modifiers or annotations on the original case extend to all expanded cases.

  1. A simple case
    case C

    of an enum E that does not take type parameters expands to

    val C = $new(n, "C")

    Here, $new is a private method that creates an instance of E (see below).

  2. If E is an enum with type parameters
    V1 T1 > L1 <: U1 ,   ... ,    Vn Tn >: Ln <: Un      (n > 0)

    where each of the variances Vi is either '+' or '-', then a simple case

    case C

    expands to

    case C extends E[B1, ..., Bn]

    where Bi is Li if Vi = '+' and Ui if Vi = '-'. This result is then further rewritten with rule (8). Simple cases of enums with non-variant type parameters are not permitted.

  3. A class case without an extends clause
    case C <type-params> <value-params>

    of an enum E that does not take type parameters expands to

    case C <type-params> <value-params> extends E

    This result is then further rewritten with rule (9).

  4. If E is an enum with type parameters Ts, a class case with neither type parameters nor an extends clause
    case C <value-params>

    expands to

    case C[Ts] <value-params> extends E[Ts]

    This result is then further rewritten with rule (9). For class cases that have type parameters themselves, an extends clause needs to be given explicitly.

  5. If E is an enum with type parameters Ts, a class case without type parameters but with an extends clause
    case C <value-params> extends <parents>

    expands to

    case C[Ts] <value-params> extends <parents>

    provided at least one of the parameters Ts is mentioned in a parameter type in <value-params> or in a type argument in <parents>.

  6. A value case
    case C extends <parents>

    expands to a value definition in E's companion object:

    val C = new <parents> { <body>; def ordinal = n; $values.register(this) }

    where n is the ordinal number of the case in the companion object, starting from 0. The statement $values.register(this) registers the value as one of the values of the enumeration (see below). $values is a compiler-defined private value in the companion object.

    It is an error if a value case refers to a type parameter of the enclosing enum in a type argument of <parents>.

  7. A class case
    case C <params> extends <parents>

    expands analogous to a final case class in E's companion object:

    final case class C <params> extends <parents>

    However, unlike for a regular case class, the return type of the associated apply method is a fully parameterized type instance of the enum class E itself instead of C. Also the enum case defines an ordinal method of the form

    def ordinal = n

    where n is the ordinal number of the case in the companion object, starting from 0.

    It is an error if a value case refers to a type parameter of the enclosing enum in a parameter type in <params> or in a type argument of <parents>, unless that parameter is already a type parameter of the case, i.e. the parameter name is defined in <params>.

Translation of Enumerations

Non-generic enums E that define one or more singleton cases are called enumerations. Companion objects of enumerations define the following additional synthetic members.

Companion objects of enumerations that contain at least one simple case define in addition:

The $ordinal method above is used to generate the ordinal method if the enum does not extend a java.lang.Enum (as Scala enums do not extend java.lang.Enums unless explicitly specified). In case it does, there is no need to generate ordinal as java.lang.Enum defines it.

Scopes for Enum Cases

A case in an enum is treated similarly to a secondary constructor. It can access neither the enclosing enum using this, nor its value parameters or instance members using simple identifiers.

Even though translated enum cases are located in the enum's companion object, referencing this object or its members via this or a simple identifier is also illegal. The compiler typechecks enum cases in the scope of the enclosing companion object but flags any such illegal accesses as errors.

Translation of Java-compatible enums

A Java-compatible enum is an enum that extends java.lang.Enum. The translation rules are the same as above, with the reservations defined in this section.

It is a compile-time error for a Java-compatible enum to have class cases.

Cases such as case C expand to a @static val as opposed to a val. This allows them to be generated as static fields of the enum type, thus ensuring they are represented the same way as Java enums.

Other Rules