Getting Started


Make sure that you are using macOS or Linux (or WSL on Windows) with Java 8 or newer. You can determine which version of the JDK is the default by typing java -version in a Terminal window.

Compiling and Running

Start by cloning the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd dotty
$ sbt managedSources # Needed for IDE import to succeed

Dotty provides a standard sbt build: compiling, running and starting a repl can all be done from within sbt:

$ sbt
> dotc tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala
> dotr HelloWorld
hello world

There are also bash scripts that can be used in the same way. Assuming that you have cloned the Dotty repo locally, append the following line on your .bash_profile:

$ export PATH=$HOME/dotty/bin:$PATH

and you will be able to run the corresponding commands directly from your console:

# Compile code using Dotty
$ dotc tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala

# Run it with the proper classpath
$ dotr HelloWorld

Starting a REPL

$ sbt
> repl
Welcome to (pre-alpha)  (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_101).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

or via bash:

$ dotr

Generating Documentation

To generate this page and other static page docs, run

$ sbt
> genDocs

Before contributing to Dotty, we invite you to consult the Dotty Developer Guidelines.