extends Object with SerializableSupertypes
Object, SerializableMembers
( fullName: String ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SymbolThe class Symbol of a global class definition
The class Symbol of a global class definition
( parent: Symbol , name: String , tpe: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SymbolGenerates a new method symbol with the given parent, name and type.
This symbol starts without an accompanying definition. It is the meta-programmer's r...
Generates a new method symbol with the given parent, name and type.
This symbol starts without an accompanying definition. It is the meta-programmer's responsibility to provide exactly one corresponding definition by passing this symbol to the DefDef constructor.
( parent: Symbol , name: String , tpe: Type , flags: Flags , privateWithin: Symbol ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SymbolWorks as the other newMethod, but with additional parameters.
Works as the other newMethod, but with additional parameters.
( parent: Symbol , name: String , tpe: Type , flags: Flags , privateWithin: Symbol ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SymbolGenerates a new val/var/lazy val symbol with the given parent, name and type.
This symbol starts without an accompanying definition. It is the meta-prog...
Generates a new val/var/lazy val symbol with the given parent, name and type.
This symbol starts without an accompanying definition. It is the meta-programmer's responsibility to provide exactly one corresponding definition by passing this symbol to the ValDef constructor.
Note: Also see Reflection.let