The Meta-theory of Symmetric Meta-programming
This note presents a simplified variant of principled meta-programming and sketches its soundness proof. The variant treats only dialogues between two stages. A program can have quotes which can contain splices (which can contain quotes, which can contain splices, and so on). Or the program could start with a splice with embedded quotes. The essential restriction is that (1) a term can contain top-level quotes or top-level splices, but not both, and (2) quotes cannot appear directly inside quotes and splices cannot appear directly inside splices. In other words, the universe is restricted to two phases only.
Under this restriction we can simplify the typing rules so that there are always exactly two environments instead of having a stack of environments. The variant presented here differs from the full calculus also in that we replace evaluation contexts with contextual typing rules. While this is more verbose, it makes it easier to set up the meta theory.
Terms t ::= x variable
(x: T) => t lambda
t t application
’t quote
~t splice
Simple terms u ::= x | (x: T) => u | u u
Values v ::= (x: T) => t lambda
’u quoted value
Types T ::= A base type
T -> T function type
’T quoted type
Operational semantics
((x: T) => t) v --> [x := v]t
t1 --> t2
t1 t --> t2 t
t1 --> t2
v t1 --> v t2
t1 ==> t2
’t1 --> ’t2
~’u ==> u
t1 ==> t2
(x: T) => t1 ==> (x: T) => t2
t1 ==> t2
t1 t ==> t2 t
t1 ==> t2
u t1 ==> u t2
t1 --> t2
~t1 ==> ~t2
Typing Rules
Typing judgments are of the form E1 * E2 |- t: T
where E1, E2
are environments and
is one of ~
and ’
x: T in E2
E1 * E2 |- x: T
E1 * E2, x: T1 |- t: T2
E1 * E2 |- (x: T1) => t: T -> T2
E1 * E2 |- t1: T2 -> T E1 * E2 |- t2: T2
E1 * E2 |- t1 t2: T
E2 ’ E1 |- t: T
E1 ~ E2 |- ’t: ’T
E2 ~ E1 |- t: ’T
E1 ’ E2 |- ~t: T
(Curiously, this looks a bit like a Christmas tree).
The meta-theory typically requires mutual inductions over two judgments.
Progress Theorem
- If
E1 ~ |- t: T
then eithert = v
for some valuev
ort --> t2
for some termt2
. - If
’ E2 |- t: T
then eithert = u
for some simple termu
ort ==> t2
for some termt2
Proof by structural induction over terms.
To prove (1):
- the cases for variables, lambdas and applications are as in STL.
- If
t = ’t2
, then by inversion we have’ E1 |- t2: T2
for some typeT2
. By the second I.H., we have one of:t2 = u
, hence’t2
is a value,t2 ==> t3
, hence’t2 --> ’t3
- The case
t = ~t2
is not typable.
To prove (2):
- If
t = x
is a simple term. - If
t = (x: T) => t2
, then eithert2
is a simple term, in which caset
is as well. Or by the second I.H.t2 ==> t3
, in which caset ==> (x: T) => t3
. -
t = t1 t2
then one of three cases applies:t1
are a simple term, thent
is as well a simple term.t1
is not a simple term. Then by the second IH,t1 ==> t12
, hencet ==> t12 t2
is a simple term butt2
is not. Then by the second IH.t2 ==> t22
, hencet ==> t1 t22
- The case
t = ’t2
is not typable. -
t = ~t2
then by inversion we haveE2 ~ |- t2: ’T2
, for some some typeT2
. By the first I.H., we have one oft2 = v
. Sincet2: ’T2
, we must havev = ’u
, for some simple termu
, hencet = ~’u
. By quote-splice reduction,t ==> u
.t2 --> t3
. Then by the context rule for’t
,t ==> ’t3
Substitution Lemma
- If
E1 ~ E2 |- s: S
andE1 ~ E2, x: S |- t: T
thenE1 ~ E2 |- [x := s]t: T
. - If
E1 ~ E2 |- s: S
andE2, x: S ’ E1 |- t: T
thenE2 ’ E1 |- [x := s]t: T
The proofs are by induction on typing derivations for t
, analogous
to the proof for STL (with (2) a bit simpler than (1) since we do not
need to swap lambda bindings with the bound variable x
). The
arguments that link the two hypotheses are as follows.
To prove (1), let t = ’t1
. Then T = ’T1
for some type T1
and the last typing rule is
E2, x: S ’ E1 |- t1: T1
E1 ~ E2, x: S |- ’t1: ’T1
By the second I.H. E2 ’ E1 |- [x := s]t1: T1
. By typing, E1 ~ E2 |- ’[x := s]t1: ’T1
Since [x := s]t = [x := s](’t1) = ’[x := s]t1
we get [x := s]t: ’T1
To prove (2), let t = ~t1
. Then the last typing rule is
E1 ~ E2, x: S |- t1: ’T
E2, x: S ’ E1 |- ~t1: T
By the first I.H., E1 ~ E2 |- [x := s]t1: ’T
. By typing, E2 ’ E1 |- ~[x := s]t1: T
Since [x := s]t = [x := s](~t1) = ~[x := s]t1
we get [x := s]t: T
Preservation Theorem
- If
E1 ~ E2 |- t1: T
andt1 --> t2
thenE1 ~ E2 |- t2: T
. - If
E1 ’ E2 |- t1: T
andt1 ==> t2
thenE1 ’ E2 |- t2: T
The proof is by structural induction on evaluation derivations. The proof of (1) is analogous to the proof for STL, using the substitution lemma for the beta reduction case, with the addition of reduction of quoted terms, which goes as follows:
- Assume the last rule was
t1 ==> t2 ------------- ’t1 --> ’t2
By inversion of typing rules, we must have
T = ’T1
for some typeT1
such thatt1: T1
. By the second I.H.,t2: T1
, hence’t2:
To prove (2):
Assume the last rule was
~’u ==> u
. The typing proof of~’u
must have the formE1 ’ E2 |- u: T ----------------- E1 ~ E2 |- ’u: ’T ----------------- E1 ’ E2 |- ~’u: T
E1 ’ E2 |- u: T
. - Assume the last rule was
t1 ==> t2 ------------------------------- (x: S) => t1 ==> (x: T) => t2
By typing inversion,
E1 ' E2, x: S |- t1: T1
for some typeT1
such thatT = S -> T1
. By the I.H,t2: T1
. By the typing rule for lambdas the result follows. -
The context rules for applications are equally straightforward.
- Assume the last rule was
t1 ==> t2 ------------- ~t1 ==> ~t2
By inversion of typing rules, we must have
t1: ’T
. By the first I.H.,t2: ’T
, hence~t2: T