Dependent Function Types - More Details

Initial implementation in #3464


FunArgTypes       ::=  InfixType
                    |  ‘(’ [ FunArgType {',' FunArgType } ] ‘)’
                    |  ‘(’ TypedFunParam {',' TypedFunParam } ‘)’
TypedFunParam     ::=  id ‘:’ Type

Dependent function types associate to the right, e.g. (s: S) ⇒ (t: T) ⇒ U is the same as (s: S) ⇒ ((t: T) ⇒ U).


Dependent function types are shorthands for class types that define apply methods with a dependent result type. Dependent function types desugar to refinement types of scala.FunctionN. A dependent function type (x1: K1, ..., xN: KN) => R of arity N translates to:

FunctionN[K1, ..., Kn, R'] {
  def apply(x1: K1, ..., xN: KN): R

where the result type parameter R' is the least upper approximation of the precise result type R without any reference to value parameters x1, ..., xN.

The syntax and sementics of anonymous dependent functions is identical to the one of regular functions. Eta expansion is naturally generalized to produce dependent function types for methods with dependent result types.

Dependent functions can be implicit, and generalize to arity N > 22 in the same way that other functions do, see the corresponding documentation.


Type Checking

After desugaring no additional typing rules are required for dependent function types.