- Companion
- class
trait MapViewFactory
trait MapFactory[`<none>`]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Type members
class Filter[K, +V](underlying: SomeMapOps[K, V], isFlipped: Boolean, p: (K, V) => Boolean) extends AbstractMapView[K, V]
class FilterKeys[K, +V](underlying: SomeMapOps[K, V], p: K => Boolean) extends AbstractMapView[K, V]
class TapEach[K, +V, +U](underlying: SomeMapOps[K, V], f: (K, V) => U) extends AbstractMapView[K, V]
An IterableOps
whose collection type and collection type constructor are unknown
An IterableOps
whose collection type and collection type constructor are unknown
Inherited implicits
The default Factory instance for maps.
The default Factory instance for maps.
- Inherited from
- MapFactory