
class Catch[+T](val pf: Catcher[T], val fin: Option[Finally], val rethrow: Throwable => Boolean) extends Described

A container class for catch/finally logic.

A container class for catch/finally logic.

Pass a different value for rethrow if you want to probably unwisely allow catching control exceptions and other throwables which the rest of the world may expect to get through.

Type Params

result type of bodies used in try and catch blocks

Value Params

Finally logic which if defined will be invoked after catch logic


Partial function used when applying catch logic to determine result value


Predicate on throwables determining when to rethrow a caught Throwable

trait Described
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def andFinally(body: => Unit): Catch[T]

Create a new Catch container from this object and the supplied finally body.

Create a new Catch container from this object and the supplied finally body.

Value Params

The additional logic to apply after all existing finally bodies

def apply[U >: T](body: => U): U

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body.

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body.

def either[U >: T](body: => U): Either[Throwable, U]

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body, mapping the result into Either[Throwable, T] - Left(exception) if an exception was caught, Right(T) otherwise.

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body, mapping the result into Either[Throwable, T] - Left(exception) if an exception was caught, Right(T) otherwise.

def opt[U >: T](body: => U): Option[U]

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body, mapping the result into Option[T] - None if any exception was caught, Some(T) otherwise.

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body, mapping the result into Option[T] - None if any exception was caught, Some(T) otherwise.

def or[U >: T](pf2: Catcher[U]): Catch[U]

Create a new Catch with additional exception handling logic.

Create a new Catch with additional exception handling logic.

def or[U >: T](other: Catch[U]): Catch[U]

Convenience methods.

Convenience methods.

def toTry: Catch[Try[T]]
def withApply[U](f: Throwable => U): Catch[U]

Create a Catch object with the same isDefinedAt logic as this one, but with the supplied apply method replacing the current one.

Create a Catch object with the same isDefinedAt logic as this one, but with the supplied apply method replacing the current one.

def withTry[U >: T](body: => U): Try[U]

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body, mapping the result into Try[T] - Failure if an exception was caught, Success(T) otherwise.

Apply this catch logic to the supplied body, mapping the result into Try[T] - Failure if an exception was caught, Success(T) otherwise.

Inherited methods

def desc: String
Inherited from
override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
Described -> Any
Inherited from
def withDesc(s: String): Catch[T]
Inherited from

Concrete fields

val pf: Catcher[T]