
@deprecated("Subtractable is deprecated. This is now implemented as part of SetOps, MapOps, etc.", "2.13.0") trait Subtractable[A, +Repr <: Subtractable[A, Repr]]

This trait represents collection-like objects that can be reduced using a '+' operator.

This trait represents collection-like objects that can be reduced using a '+' operator. It defines variants of - and -- as convenience methods in terms of single-element removal -.

Type Params

the type of the elements of the collection.


the type of the collection itself

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def -(elem: A): Repr

Creates a new collection from this collection with an element removed.

Creates a new collection from this collection with an element removed.

Value Params

the element to remove


a new collection that contains all elements of the current collection except one less occurrence of elem.

protected def repr: Repr

The representation object of type Repr which contains the collection's elements

The representation object of type Repr which contains the collection's elements

Concrete methods

def -(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): Repr

Creates a new collection from this collection with some elements removed.

Creates a new collection from this collection with some elements removed.

This method takes two or more elements to be removed. Another overloaded variant of this method handles the case where a single element is removed.

Value Params

the first element to remove.


the second element to remove.


the remaining elements to remove.


a new collection that contains all elements of the current collection except one less occurrence of each of the given elements.

def --(xs: IterableOnce[A]): Repr

Creates a new collection from this collection by removing all elements of another collection.

Creates a new collection from this collection by removing all elements of another collection.

Value Params

the collection containing the removed elements.


a new collection that contains all elements of the current collection except one less occurrence of each of the elements of elems.