
object Varargs

Expression representation of literal sequence of expressions.

Expression representation of literal sequence of expressions.

Varargs can be used to create the an expression args that will be used as varargs '{ f($args: _*) } or it can be used to extract all the arguments of the a varargs.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T](xs: Seq[Expr[T]])(using Type[T])(using Quotes): Expr[Seq[T]]

Lifts this sequence of expressions into an expression of a sequence

Lifts this sequence of expressions into an expression of a sequence

Transforms a sequence of expression Seq(e1, e2, ...) where ei: Expr[T] to an expression equivalent to '{ Seq($e1, $e2, ...) } typed as an Expr[Seq[T]]


'{ List(${Varargs(List(1, 2, 3))}: _*) } // equivalent to '{ List(1, 2, 3) }
def unapply[T](expr: Expr[Seq[T]])(using Quotes): Option[Seq[Expr[T]]]

Matches a literal sequence of expressions and return a sequence of expressions.

Matches a literal sequence of expressions and return a sequence of expressions.


inline def sum(args: Int*): Int = ${ sumExpr('args) }
def sumExpr(argsExpr: Expr[Seq[Int]])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] = argsExpr match
  case Varargs(argVarargs) =>
    // argVarargs: Seq[Expr[Int]]