
@SerialVersionUID(3L) object WeakHashMap extends MapFactory[[K, V] =>> WeakHashMap[K, V]]

This object provides a set of operations to create WeakHashMap values.

This object provides a set of operations to create WeakHashMap values.

trait MapFactory[[K, V] =>> WeakHashMap[K, V]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def empty[K, V]: WeakHashMap[K, V]
def from[K, V](it: IterableOnce[(K, V)]): WeakHashMap[K, V]
def newBuilder[K, V]: Builder[(K, V), WeakHashMap[K, V]]

Inherited methods

def apply[K, V](elems: (K, V)*): WeakHashMap[K, V]

A collection of type Map that contains given key/value bindings.

A collection of type Map that contains given key/value bindings.

Inherited from


Inherited implicits

implicit def mapFactory[K, V]: Factory[(K, V), WeakHashMap[K, V]]

The default Factory instance for maps.

The default Factory instance for maps.

Inherited from