
@SerialVersionUID(3L) object View extends IterableFactory[[A] =>> View[A]]

This object reifies operations on views as case classes

This object reifies operations on views as case classes

trait IterableFactory[[A] =>> View[A]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class Appended[+A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], elem: A) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that appends an element to its elements

A view that appends an element to its elements

class Collect[+A, B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], pf: PartialFunction[A, B]) extends AbstractView[B]

A view that collects elements of the underlying collection.

A view that collects elements of the underlying collection.

class Concat[A](prefix: SomeIterableOps[A], suffix: SomeIterableOps[A]) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that concatenates elements of the prefix collection or iterator with the elements of the suffix collection or iterator.

A view that concatenates elements of the prefix collection or iterator with the elements of the suffix collection or iterator.

class DistinctBy[A, B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], f: A => B) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that removes the duplicated elements as determined by the transformation function f

A view that removes the duplicated elements as determined by the transformation function f

class Drop[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], n: Int) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that drops leading elements of the underlying collection.

A view that drops leading elements of the underlying collection.

class DropRight[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], n: Int) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that drops trailing elements of the underlying collection.

A view that drops trailing elements of the underlying collection.

class DropWhile[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], p: A => Boolean) extends AbstractView[A]
class Elems[A](xs: A*) extends AbstractView[A]

A view with given elements

A view with given elements

case object Empty extends AbstractView[Nothing]

The empty view

The empty view

class Fill[A](n: Int)(elem: => A) extends AbstractView[A]

A view containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

A view containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

class Filter[A](val underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], val p: A => Boolean, val isFlipped: Boolean) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that filters an underlying collection.

A view that filters an underlying collection.

object Filter
class FlatMap[A, B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], f: A => IterableOnce[B]) extends AbstractView[B]

A view that flatmaps elements of the underlying collection.

A view that flatmaps elements of the underlying collection.

class Iterate[A](start: A, len: Int)(f: A => A) extends AbstractView[A]

A view containing repeated applications of a function to a start value

A view containing repeated applications of a function to a start value

class LeftPartitionMapped[A, A1, A2](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], f: A => Either[A1, A2]) extends AbstractView[A1]
class Map[+A, +B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], f: A => B) extends AbstractView[B]

A view that maps elements of the underlying collection.

A view that maps elements of the underlying collection.

class PadTo[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], len: Int, elem: A) extends AbstractView[A]
class Prepended[+A](elem: A, underlying: SomeIterableOps[A]) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that prepends an element to its elements

A view that prepends an element to its elements

class RightPartitionMapped[A, A1, A2](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], f: A => Either[A1, A2]) extends AbstractView[A2]
class ScanLeft[+A, +B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], z: B, op: (B, A) => B) extends AbstractView[B]
class Single[A](a: A) extends AbstractView[A]

A view with exactly one element

A view with exactly one element

class Tabulate[A](n: Int)(f: Int => A) extends AbstractView[A]

A view containing values of a given function over a range of integer values starting from 0.

A view containing values of a given function over a range of integer values starting from 0.

class Take[+A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], n: Int) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that takes leading elements of the underlying collection.

A view that takes leading elements of the underlying collection.

class TakeRight[+A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], n: Int) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that takes trailing elements of the underlying collection.

A view that takes trailing elements of the underlying collection.

class TakeWhile[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], p: A => Boolean) extends AbstractView[A]
class Unfold[A, S](initial: S)(f: S => Option[(A, S)]) extends AbstractView[A]

A view that uses a function f to produce elements of type A and update an internal state S.

A view that uses a function f to produce elements of type A and update an internal state S.

class Updated[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], index: Int, elem: A) extends AbstractView[A]
class Zip[A, B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], other: Iterable[B]) extends AbstractView[(A, B)]

A view that zips elements of the underlying collection with the elements of another collection.

A view that zips elements of the underlying collection with the elements of another collection.

class ZipAll[A, B](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A], other: Iterable[B], thisElem: A, thatElem: B) extends AbstractView[(A, B)]

A view that zips elements of the underlying collection with the elements of another collection.

A view that zips elements of the underlying collection with the elements of another collection. If one of the two collections is shorter than the other, placeholder elements are used to extend the shorter collection to the length of the longer.

class ZipWithIndex[A](underlying: SomeIterableOps[A]) extends AbstractView[(A, Int)]


An IterableOps whose collection type and collection type constructor are unknown

An IterableOps whose collection type and collection type constructor are unknown

Value members

Concrete methods

override def apply[A](xs: A*): View[A]
Definition Classes
def empty[A]: View[A]
def from[E](it: IterableOnce[E]): View[E]
Type Params

View element type

Value Params

The IterableOnce to view. A proper Iterable is used directly. If it is really only IterableOnce it gets memoized on the first traversal.


A view iterating over the given Iterable

def fromIteratorProvider[A](it: () => Iterator[A]): View[A]
Type Params

View element type

Value Params

Function creating the iterator to be used by the view. This function must always return a fresh Iterator, otherwise the resulting view will be effectively iterable only once.


A View[A] whose underlying iterator is provided by the it parameter-less function.

def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, View[A]]

Inherited methods

def concat[A](xss: Iterable[A]*): View[A]

Concatenates all argument collections into a single collection.

Concatenates all argument collections into a single collection.

Value Params

the collections that are to be concatenated.


the concatenation of all the collections.

Inherited from
def fill[A](n1: Int, n2: Int, n3: Int, n4: Int, n5: Int)(elem: => A): View[View[View[View[View[A]]]]]

Produces a five-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Produces a five-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Value Params

the element computation


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


the number of elements in the 3rd dimension


the number of elements in the 4th dimension


the number of elements in the 5th dimension


A collection that contains the results of n1 x n2 x n3 x n4 x n5 evaluations of elem.

Inherited from
def fill[A](n1: Int, n2: Int, n3: Int, n4: Int)(elem: => A): View[View[View[View[A]]]]

Produces a four-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Produces a four-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Value Params

the element computation


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


the number of elements in the 3rd dimension


the number of elements in the 4th dimension


A collection that contains the results of n1 x n2 x n3 x n4 evaluations of elem.

Inherited from
def fill[A](n1: Int, n2: Int, n3: Int)(elem: => A): View[View[View[A]]]

Produces a three-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Produces a three-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Value Params

the element computation


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


the number of elements in the 3rd dimension


A collection that contains the results of n1 x n2 x n3 evaluations of elem.

Inherited from
def fill[A](n1: Int, n2: Int)(elem: => A): View[View[A]]

Produces a two-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Produces a two-dimensional collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Value Params

the element computation


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


A collection that contains the results of n1 x n2 evaluations of elem.

Inherited from
def fill[A](n: Int)(elem: => A): View[A]

Produces a collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Produces a collection containing the results of some element computation a number of times.

Value Params

the element computation


the number of elements contained in the collection.


A collection that contains the results of n evaluations of elem.

Inherited from
def iterate[A](start: A, len: Int)(f: A => A): View[A]

Produces a collection containing repeated applications of a function to a start value.

Produces a collection containing repeated applications of a function to a start value.

Value Params

the function that's repeatedly applied


the number of elements contained in the collection


the start value of the collection


a collection with len values in the sequence start, f(start), f(f(start)), ...

Inherited from
def range[A](start: A, end: A, step: A)(`evidence$25`: Integral[A]): View[A]

Produces a collection containing equally spaced values in some integer interval.

Produces a collection containing equally spaced values in some integer interval.

Value Params

the end value of the collection (the first value NOT contained)


the start value of the collection


the difference between successive elements of the collection (must be positive or negative)


a collection with values start, start + step, ... up to, but excluding end

Inherited from
def range[A](start: A, end: A)(`evidence$24`: Integral[A]): View[A]

Produces a collection containing a sequence of increasing of integers.

Produces a collection containing a sequence of increasing of integers.

Value Params

the end value of the collection (the first value NOT contained)


the first element of the collection


a collection with values start, start + 1, ..., end - 1

Inherited from
def tabulate[A](n1: Int, n2: Int, n3: Int, n4: Int, n5: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) => A): View[View[View[View[View[A]]]]]

Produces a five-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Produces a five-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Value Params

The function computing element values


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


the number of elements in the 3rd dimension


the number of elements in the 4th dimension


the number of elements in the 5th dimension


A collection consisting of elements f(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5) for 0 <= i1 < n1, 0 <= i2 < n2, 0 <= i3 < n3, 0 <= i4 < n4, and 0 <= i5 < n5.

Inherited from
def tabulate[A](n1: Int, n2: Int, n3: Int, n4: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int, Int) => A): View[View[View[View[A]]]]

Produces a four-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Produces a four-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Value Params

The function computing element values


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


the number of elements in the 3rd dimension


the number of elements in the 4th dimension


A collection consisting of elements f(i1, i2, i3, i4) for 0 <= i1 < n1, 0 <= i2 < n2, 0 <= i3 < n3, and 0 <= i4 < n4.

Inherited from
def tabulate[A](n1: Int, n2: Int, n3: Int)(f: (Int, Int, Int) => A): View[View[View[A]]]

Produces a three-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Produces a three-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Value Params

The function computing element values


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


the number of elements in the 3rd dimension


A collection consisting of elements f(i1, i2, i3) for 0 <= i1 < n1, 0 <= i2 < n2, and 0 <= i3 < n3.

Inherited from
def tabulate[A](n1: Int, n2: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => A): View[View[A]]

Produces a two-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Produces a two-dimensional collection containing values of a given function over ranges of integer values starting from 0.

Value Params

The function computing element values


the number of elements in the 1st dimension


the number of elements in the 2nd dimension


A collection consisting of elements f(i1, i2) for 0 <= i1 < n1 and 0 <= i2 < n2.

Inherited from
def tabulate[A](n: Int)(f: Int => A): View[A]

Produces a collection containing values of a given function over a range of integer values starting from 0.

Produces a collection containing values of a given function over a range of integer values starting from 0.

Value Params

The function computing element values


The number of elements in the collection


A collection consisting of elements f(0), ..., f(n -1)

Inherited from
def unfold[A, S](init: S)(f: S => Option[(A, S)]): View[A]

Produces a collection that uses a function f to produce elements of type A and update an internal state of type S.

Produces a collection that uses a function f to produce elements of type A and update an internal state of type S.

Type Params

Type of the elements


Type of the internal state

Value Params

Computes the next element (or returns None to signal the end of the collection)


State initial value


a collection that produces elements using f until f returns None

Inherited from


Inherited implicits

implicit def iterableFactory[A]: Factory[A, View[A]]
Inherited from