
trait Awaitable[+T]

An object that may eventually be completed with a result value of type T which may be awaited using blocking methods.

An object that may eventually be completed with a result value of type T which may be awaited using blocking methods.

The Await object provides methods that allow accessing the result of an Awaitable by blocking the current thread until the Awaitable has been completed or a timeout has occurred.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Future[T]
object never

Value members

Abstract methods

@throws(scala.Predef.classOf[scala.concurrent.TimeoutException]) @throws(scala.Predef.classOf[scala.InterruptedException])
def ready(atMost: Duration)(permit: CanAwait): Awaitable[T]

Await the "completed" state of this Awaitable.

Await the "completed" state of this Awaitable.

This method should not be called directly; use Await.ready instead.

Value Params

maximum wait time, which may be negative (no waiting is done), Duration.Inf for unbounded waiting, or a finite positive duration


this Awaitable


if atMost is Duration.Undefined


if the current thread is interrupted while waiting


if after waiting for the specified time this Awaitable is still not ready

@throws(scala.Predef.classOf[scala.concurrent.TimeoutException]) @throws(scala.Predef.classOf[scala.InterruptedException])
def result(atMost: Duration)(permit: CanAwait): T

Await and return the result (of type T) of this Awaitable.

Await and return the result (of type T) of this Awaitable.

This method should not be called directly; use Await.result instead.

Value Params

maximum wait time, which may be negative (no waiting is done), Duration.Inf for unbounded waiting, or a finite positive duration


the result value if the Awaitable is completed within the specific maximum wait time


if atMost is Duration.Undefined


if the current thread is interrupted while waiting


if after waiting for the specified time this Awaitable is still not ready