
@deprecated("Will be removed in the future.", since = "2.13.0") object Platform
[Since version 2.13.0]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Deprecated types

@deprecated("Use `java.util.ConcurrentModificationException` instead.", since = "2.13.0")

This is a type alias for java.util.ConcurrentModificationException, which may be thrown by methods that detect an invalid modification of an object.

This is a type alias for java.util.ConcurrentModificationException, which may be thrown by methods that detect an invalid modification of an object. For example, many common collection types do not allow modifying a collection while it is being iterated over.

[Since version 2.13.0]
@deprecated("Use `java.lang.StackOverflowError` instead.", since = "2.13.0")

Thrown when a stack overflow occurs because a method or function recurses too deeply.

Thrown when a stack overflow occurs because a method or function recurses too deeply.

On the JVM, this is a type alias for java.lang.StackOverflowError, which itself extends java.lang.Error. The same rules apply to catching a java.lang.Error as for Java, that it indicates a serious problem that a reasonable application should not try and catch.

[Since version 2.13.0]

Value members

Deprecated methods

@inline @deprecated("Use `java.util.Arrays#fill` instead.", since = "2.13.0")
def arrayclear(arr: Array[Int]): Unit

Assigns the value of 0 to each element in the array.

Assigns the value of 0 to each element in the array.

Value Params

A non-null Array[Int].


If arr is null.

[Since version 2.13.0]
@inline @deprecated("Use `java.lang.System#arraycopy` instead.", since = "2.13.0")
def arraycopy(src: AnyRef, srcPos: Int, dest: AnyRef, destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit

Copies length elements of array src starting at position srcPos to the array dest starting at position destPos.

Copies length elements of array src starting at position srcPos to the array dest starting at position destPos. If src==dest, the copying will behave as if the elements copied from src were first copied to a temporary array before being copied back into the array at the destination positions.

Value Params

A non-null array as destination for the copy.


The starting index in the destination array.


The number of elements to be copied.


A non-null array as source for the copy.


The starting index in the source array.


If either src or dest are not of type [java.lang.Array]; or if the element type of src is not compatible with that of dest.


If either srcPos or destPos are outside of the bounds of their respective arrays; or if length is negative; or if there are less than length elements available after srcPos or destPos in src and dest respectively.


If either src or dest are null.

[Since version 2.13.0]
@inline @deprecated("Use `java.lang.System#gc` instead.", since = "2.13.0")

Runs the garbage collector.

Runs the garbage collector.

This is a request that the underlying JVM runs the garbage collector. The results of this call depends heavily on the JVM used. The underlying JVM is free to ignore this request.

[Since version 2.13.0]
@inline @deprecated("Use `java.lang.reflect.Array#newInstance` instead.", since = "2.13.0")
def createArray(elemClass: Class[_], length: Int): AnyRef

Creates a new array of the specified type and given length.

Creates a new array of the specified type and given length.

Note that if elemClass is a subclass of scala.AnyVal then the returned value is an Array of the corresponding java primitive type. For example, the following code scala.compat.Platform.createArray(classOf[Int], 4) returns an array of the java primitive type int.

For a scala.AnyVal array, the values of the array are set to 0 for numeric value types (scala.Double, scala.Float, scala.Long, scala.Int, scala.Char, scala.Short, and scala.Byte), and false for scala.Boolean. Creation of an array of type scala.Unit is not possible.

For subclasses of scala.AnyRef, the values of the array are set to null.

The caller must cast the returned value to the correct type.

Value Params

the Class object of the component type of the array


the length of the new array.


an array of the given component type as an AnyRef.


if componentType is scala.Unit or java.lang.Void.TYPE


if the specified length is negative


If elemClass is null.


val a = scala.compat.Platform.createArray(classOf[Int], 4).asInstanceOf[Array[Int]] // returns Array[Int](0, 0, 0, 0)
[Since version 2.13.0]
@inline @deprecated("Use `java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis` instead.", since = "2.13.0")

The current time in milliseconds.

The current time in milliseconds. The time is counted since 1 January 1970 UTC.

Note that the operating system timer used to obtain this value may be less precise than a millisecond.

[Since version 2.13.0]
@inline @deprecated("Use `java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset#name` instead.", since = "2.13.0")

The name of the default character set encoding as a string

The name of the default character set encoding as a string

[Since version 2.13.0]
@inline @deprecated("Use `java.lang.Class#forName` instead.", since = "2.13.0")
def getClassForName(name: String): Class[_]

Returns the Class object associated with the class or interface with the given string name using the current ClassLoader.

Returns the Class object associated with the class or interface with the given string name using the current ClassLoader. On the JVM, invoking this method is equivalent to: java.lang.Class.forName(name)

For more information, please see the Java documentation for java.lang.Class.

Value Params

the fully qualified name of the desired class.


the Class object for the class with the specified name.


if the class cannot be located


if the initialization provoked by this method fails


if the linkage fails


val a = scala.compat.Platform.getClassForName("java.lang.Integer")  // returns the Class[_] for java.lang.Integer
[Since version 2.13.0]

Deprecated fields

@deprecated("Use `java.lang.System#lineSeparator` instead.", since = "2.13.0")
val EOL: String

The default line separator.

The default line separator.

On the JVM, this is equivalent to calling the method: java.lang.System.lineSeparator

[Since version 2.13.0]