
Provide implicit conversions for the factories offered by scala.sys.process.Process's companion object.

Provide implicit conversions for the factories offered by scala.sys.process.Process's companion object. These implicits can then be used to decrease the noise in a pipeline of commands, making it look more shell-like. They are available through the package object scala.sys.process.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any



Implicitly convert a java.lang.ProcessBuilder into a Scala one.

Implicitly convert a java.lang.ProcessBuilder into a Scala one.

implicit def buildersToProcess[T](builders: Seq[T])(convert: T => Source): Seq[Source]

Return a sequence of scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source from a sequence of values for which an implicit conversion to Source is available.

Return a sequence of scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source from a sequence of values for which an implicit conversion to Source is available.

implicit def fileToProcess(file: File): FileBuilder

Implicitly convert a into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.FileBuilder, which can be used as either input or output of a process.

Implicitly convert a into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.FileBuilder, which can be used as either input or output of a process. For example:

import scala.sys.process._
"ls" #> new"dirContents.txt") !
implicit def stringSeqToProcess(command: Seq[String]): ProcessBuilder

Implicitly convert a sequence of String into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.

Implicitly convert a sequence of String into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder. The first argument will be taken to be the command to be executed, and the remaining will be its arguments. When using this, arguments may contain spaces.

implicit def stringToProcess(command: String): ProcessBuilder

Implicitly convert a String into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.

Implicitly convert a String into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.

implicit def urlToProcess(url: URL): URLBuilder

Implicitly convert a into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.URLBuilder , which can be used as input to a process.

Implicitly convert a into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.URLBuilder , which can be used as input to a process. For example:

import scala.sys.process._
Seq("xmllint", "--html", "-") #< new"") #> new"fixed.html") !