
object Implicits extends ExtraImplicits

An object containing implicits which are not in the default scope.

An object containing implicits which are not in the default scope.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


Inherited implicits

implicit def infixOrderingOps[T](x: T)(ord: Ordering[T]): OrderingOps

This implicit creates a conversion from any value for which an implicit Ordering exists to the class which creates infix operations.

This implicit creates a conversion from any value for which an implicit Ordering exists to the class which creates infix operations. With it imported, you can write methods as follows:

def lessThan[T: Ordering](x: T, y: T) = x < y
Inherited from
implicit def seqOrdering[CC <: ([X] =>> Seq[X]), T](ord: Ordering[T]): Ordering[CC[T]]

Not in the standard scope due to the potential for divergence: For instance implicitly[Ordering[Any]] diverges in its presence.

Not in the standard scope due to the potential for divergence: For instance implicitly[Ordering[Any]] diverges in its presence.

Inherited from
implicit def sortedSetOrdering[CC <: ([X] =>> SortedSet[X]), T](ord: Ordering[T]): Ordering[CC[T]]
Inherited from